CS2113/T Jan '19
  • Week 1 [Jan 14]
  • Week 2 [Jan 21]
  • Week 3 [Jan 28]
  • Week 4 [Feb 4]
  • Week 5 [Feb 11]
  • Week 6 [Feb 18]
  • Week 7 [Mar 4]
  • Week 8 [Mar 11]
  • Week 9 [Mar 18]
  • Week 10 [Mar 25]
  • Week 11 [Apr 1]
  • Week 12 [Apr 8]
  • Week 13 [Apr 15]
  • Textbook
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  • Project Info
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  • Java Coding Standard
  • samplerepo-things
  • Addressbook-level1
  • Addressbook-level2
  • Addressbook-level3
  • Addressbook-level4
  • Projects List
  • config.json templates for Reposense
  • Project Code Dashboard (BETA)
  • Repl.it classroom
  • Project: OverviewProject: Scope

    Project: The product

    In this semester, we are going to enhance an AddressBook application.

    This product is meant for users who can type fast, and prefer typing over mouse/voice commands. Therefore, Command Line Interface (CLI) is the primary mode of input.

    Relevant: [Admin Project Contstraints → More info about the 'CLI app' requirement ]

    • Recommendation-CLI-First: As per Constraint-Typing-Preferred, the input to the app needs to be primarily CLI. The GUI can be used to give visual feedback to the user rather than to collect input. While we don't prohibit non-CLI inputs, note that such inputs will reduce the suitability of the product to target users, which will be graded under the product design criterion.
      Some suggestions:
      • Give keyboard alternatives to mouse/GUI inputs, if any.
      • Regular typing is usually faster than using key combinations. Design the app in a way that you can do stuff faster by typing compared to mouse actions or key combinations.
      • One-shot commands are faster over multi-step commands. If you provide a multi-step command to help new users, you can also provide a one-shot equivalent for regular/expert users.  Reason: We want the user to be able to accomplish tasks faster using CLI than a GUI; having to enter commands part-by-part will slow down the user.

    Project: OverviewProject: Scope